Tuesday, 28 May 2019


It's taken me a while to upgrade my desert terrain with mountains.  Last summer I cut and coated the bases and painted the peaks in the reorganised workshop.  With warmer weather I have used evenings to finish the texturing - I think I could do more but I've got the look I was wanting to achieve. 

The terrain for the next Club night try out for the Iran-Iraq War is ready.

I'm only half way through creating enough terrain to go fully operational but I should have it completed by the end of Summer - I might organise a half table operational game just to make sure the mountain rules work effectively.

Saddam's Mig 21s bomb suspected Kurdish positions in Northern Iraq.  Change the markings and it could be Afghanistan. Change the armies and it could be the Northwest Frontier, Tunisia, Italian East Africa......

Meanwhile I need to concentrate on JoS and then hopefully we might get some temperate terrain completed.

Just in case you wondered how it was done - I like to think it is therapeutic.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Operational Games - amphibious landings

Our group has been discussing amphibious options for future operational games.  We would need to construct more islands like in the above picture.  Ten tables of islands would look spectacular and with two teams coordinating land, sea and air operations it would make for a great game.  I expect the Pacific would be the most likely theatre for our first outing.  However, the Mediterranean would make for a great game with a what if between Axis and Allies in 1943 (as we gamed in the picture above) or a Cold War operation between Soviets and Nato or even Greeks v Turks!  I would really like to have a go at Venetians v Ottomans.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

One Day Operational Games

Three years ago over the Christmas holiday of 2015/16, I was musing through old copies of Miniature Wargames.  One of the very earliest articles was written by regular contributor George Gush, probably more famous for his guide to Renaissance warfare.  He gave an overview to a one day battle fought at his local club in which many members contributed troops and terrain in a one day multi-player campaign game.  Below is his plan of that game.

So, I thought, maybe I should give this idea a go.  Our group had put on some big 2 or 3 day battles in the past, but they felt tired by the 2nd day, or worse, one side felt they had no chance of winning and heads were down before the end of the first day!

I asked if anyone was up for an experiment in which we pitted a reinforced British armoured division against a weakened Panzer Grenadier Division somewhere in the Low Countries in September 1944.  Ratios would be 2:1 in favour of the attacking British but the Germans would have the benefit of better movement between the tables as shown in George's map.

Basically, the British deploy their forces at the top of the map on either red A or B tables. These tables are screened from the German players so as to hide the main axis of attack.  The British can only move from one table to another following the large outlined arrows.  This simulates unit demarcation and command chains for a large push to secure as many of the tables as possible.

Tables in the first row have 1 objective point, tables in the second 2 points and 3 on the third row.  To win the British must secure more points than the Germans hold.

The Germans may have fewer units but can exploit their greater flexibility by moving along the dotted arrows, enabling them to launch local counter attacks.

In addition, both sides have an air table from which they can order attacks against on and off table targets.  These are activated on the hour regardless of turn number and the whoever occupied  3A with its airfield can launch additional attacks on the half hour.

Unoccupied tables allow double movement for units and artillery can fire indirectly from one table to another.

That was the bare bones of the plan and everyone was willing to give it a try as we had the troops and basic scenery.  Russ rather valiantly agreed to make the base tables and we went for an ambitious 2 week target date for the game.

Setting up the game.
Well, we had a blast!  The game played relatively smoothly, averaging 25 turns of game play.  We had the game set up by 10.00am and finished by 4.00pm and we had fought on nearly every table.  The British just about won.

Germans take up position on table 3B
We haven't looked back.  The operational concept has given us a focus with all the periods we play.  We still game one-off battles but the operational games allow us to build up those specialist units and weapons; carpet bombing, rail guns, armoured trains, bridge building - which can feature as part of the game.

On 7th July we are planning to put on a demo/participation version of the operational game at Joy of Six in Sheffield - it'll be great to see what other players make of this concept.


Tuesday, 14 May 2019

It's no Shangri La in Korramshahr!

Thursday night game; Iran-Iraq War

Iraqi armour storms an outlying village - before the Chieftain gun line and Cobra bring the Iraqi juggernaut to a halt.

First outing for the Iran-Iraq War last night and I was very pleased with how it played.  I modelled the scenario on what is called a TEWT (Tactical Exercise Without Troops), a pre-battle planning model used in the British Army since WW1.  I think we could play this again and get several different outcomes.

We got to use a good selection of equipment as used in the 1980's conflict in which a fully mechanised Iraqi brigade attempts to secure defended terrain from a pretty basically trained Iranian group of revolutionary troops supported by the highly sophisticated but logistically challenged Iranian regular army - there are not many armies in the world with Chieftains, Scorpions, M109A1s and Shilkas!

I managed to clear up on some new rules and I think I know where I am going with more terrain for an eventual operational game.

We need to firm up on the air attacks but I thought last nights split between ground attack and medium height and the effects of AA was a fair compromise - although next time we play this I may only allow one mission for the Cobra!