Tuesday 14 May 2019

It's no Shangri La in Korramshahr!

Thursday night game; Iran-Iraq War

Iraqi armour storms an outlying village - before the Chieftain gun line and Cobra bring the Iraqi juggernaut to a halt.

First outing for the Iran-Iraq War last night and I was very pleased with how it played.  I modelled the scenario on what is called a TEWT (Tactical Exercise Without Troops), a pre-battle planning model used in the British Army since WW1.  I think we could play this again and get several different outcomes.

We got to use a good selection of equipment as used in the 1980's conflict in which a fully mechanised Iraqi brigade attempts to secure defended terrain from a pretty basically trained Iranian group of revolutionary troops supported by the highly sophisticated but logistically challenged Iranian regular army - there are not many armies in the world with Chieftains, Scorpions, M109A1s and Shilkas!

I managed to clear up on some new rules and I think I know where I am going with more terrain for an eventual operational game.

We need to firm up on the air attacks but I thought last nights split between ground attack and medium height and the effects of AA was a fair compromise - although next time we play this I may only allow one mission for the Cobra!

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